New Year's Greeting from JASWDC
On behalf of the Japan-America Society of Washington DC
(JASWDC) and its Board of Trustees, I would like congratulate the Sakura
Shimbun on their 10 years in the Washington DC community, and offer a heartfelt
New Year’s greetings to the readers.
2017 marks the 60th Anniversary of the
Japan-America Society of Washington DC. The Society’s mission has always been
to promote greater understanding between Americans and Japanese. We do that
through the many cultural and educational programs that we hold throughout the
In the spirit of our kanreki year – the year of rebirth – we
are moving forward to rebrand the Society’s image into one that sparks thoughts
of innovation and long-lasting friendship between the peoples of Japan and
Perhaps we are most famous for
Sakura Matsuri, the largest one day Japanese festival in the country. Last
April we welcomed over 25,000 guests to our festival. But we do many, many
other things throughout the year.
Indeed, we are unique in Washington DC, because we present programs
about so many aspects of Japan - from foreign affairs - to food!
In this past year, we produced or collaborated with other
organizations on over 100 programs, which drew over 3000 attendees. We have been able to produce these programs,
such as Japan-in-a-Suitcase (JiS), National Japan Bowl, Ohanashikai, and the
many language and culture classes we offer with a staff of only 4 people and
great interns that we have throughout the year.
Our current programming will expand to give the Washington,
DC area a series of lectures and talks called Japan 360°,
which will cover a wide range of topics, including economics and business,
science and technology, society and social issues, as well as traditional and
popular culture. We will also introduce
a new program to help Japanese residents in our community to learn about
America, called Living in the USA.
coming year, Japan-America Society of Washington DC will continue to work to
strengthen the bond between Japan and the United States through these important
programs, and nurture the next generation of Japanese and Americans, who are
the future of our relationship. Happy
New Year and Thank you for your support.
Executive Director
Marc Hitzig
私どもが提供するプログラムの中にワシントンDCエリアに住む方々を対象に開催する「ジャパン360°(Japan 360°)」というものがございますが、今年は経済、経営、科学、テクノロジー、社会、社会問題、伝統文化から大衆文化にいたるまでさらに幅広いテーマを取り上げた一連の講義を提供いたします。さらに、今年はワシントンDCエリアのコミュニティーに属する日本人の方々がアメリカでより快適に生活できるよう医療制度や教育に関するトピックを扱う、「リビング・イン・ジ・ユーエスエー(Living
in the USA)」という名のプログラムも新しく始めます。
Executive Director
Marc Hitzig
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