Growing Up Global: Brown Bag Talk with Lauren Zelek

Brown Bag Talk with Lauren Zelek: Growing up Global

On Thursday, June 2nd, the Japan-America Society of Washington DC welcomed Lauren Zelek for a brown bag talk on Third Culture Kids (TCKs), or children who have grown up internationally and now live with an identity that is comprised of two or more cultures, and how the experience of growing up overseas can change a person's life forever. Lauren herself grew up in Tokyo after moving there with family due to her father's job and now goes around the country talking about her experiences - which many other TCKs can relate to - and how they've contributed to her current career and passions.

Everyone who attended was related to TCKs in some way - whether they are one, or are raising one, or have had some kind of international experience. Lauren led a fruitful discussion centered on the belief that although living between cultures is difficult, especially as a teenager or young adult, TCKs have shared characteristics - such as high mobility, self-reliance, and open-mindedness - that are personality strengths and can be channeled into successful traits. On the other hand, Lauren brought up several challenges that TCKs face - such as restlessness, loneliness, and struggles with personal identity - to address the fact that although an international upbringing is overall positive, it does not come without difficulties.

Lauren is the co-founder of Japan in Your Heart, an initiative geared towards TCKs and those who have lived in Japan and who wish to foster that connection into a lifelong bond.

If you are interested in this topic, you can view a partial recording of the brown bag talk here.


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